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reflective blog

As I lay here in bed after completing my last bit of draft work I think about the MA course I am currently on but very close to completing. I can not believe I have just one more day until I will be handing my portfolio in and my artefact which has caused me and my partner nothing but stress hahha.  He is great with video editing and I’ve constantly been stressing him out with the whole editing process which I am sure he will be glad once Friday is over.  I can’t believe I have made it this far and actually only a few months off receiving my overall graduate grade. This whole journey has been one huge learning experience for me as I have learnt not only to be myself and consider my own thoughts and feelings but I have also learnt how to acknowledge my own knowledge and experiences. Before this MA I never took time to sit and do any kind of reflective thinking never mind reflective writing but this has been something which has helped me and encouraged me to talk and be critical when doi
Recent posts

The relationship between music and movement

Throughout my professional practice, I have used and explored with props within a community dance session when my students have had limited vocabulary or have been between ages 3-6. “Props can also be great fun and encourage a climate of exploration and playfulness, but always remember that props should enhance movement, not mask it” (Hills, 2003, p.81).  For me ,  I have found that this method encourages students to listen to the  relationship of the music and  the  prop s  to  explore  their own movements .  Hills   (2003)   suggests  ideas of working in a non-verbal way and the method of ‘body talk’  and many  ways to  incorporate  music  as  a way of communication with people with limited movement. Peppy Hills  has helped me improve  my teaching methods and guided me through  alternative ways  of teaching in a non-verbal way. By this ,  I  learnt  that  dancers with disabilities can explore movement using qualities of touch and the use of choreographic devises to develop work and u

communicating your ideas Sunday 17th November 2019

Unfortunately I had to miss this Skype call but thankfully my classmate filled me in on the dicussion and from what it seems there were many conversions between voice and communication. My classmate had said the call was directed to finding your own voice in different mediums and example of this would be ‘your writing voice’.  I wanted to speak more on communication within an inclusive dance class. For me this is something I sometimes find difficult within my own professional practice. Although I have previously wrote a blog on my communication with disabled dancers I feel like my knowledge has developed and my critical thinking and analyses has improved.  Finding my voice to me is challenging when working with all ages and abilities and this is something I have been challenged with on a day to day basis. A teachers voice is so important within a classroom but how is your voice acknowledged to someone who has an hearing impairment ?  Last week Monday, I taught an open dance class at a

Wednesday 2nd October 2019 module 3

Yesterday’s Skype call with my module three class mates and Helen was based on “what we are doing” for our research inquiry. This call was very beneficial for me as we spoke about data collecting and organising along with analysis and the meaning behind the word ‘triangulation”. I wanted to hear some of my class mates advice and thoughts on how to manage and organise data that is collected for their inquiry because at this point in my studies I am too observe workshops and watch performances alongside reading relevant literature and hand out 12 questionnaires. Class mates advised me to keep each material (data) separate from the rest and take control of my strategies for organising. By this they advised ‘catorgrizing’ and using ‘sticky notes’ and ‘highlighting’.  We was asked about the word ‘analysis’ and what we thought it meant to analyse data. To me analysis is a detailed examination, by this I mean it’s looking and experimenting (how, what, why) and looking to see if there is anyth

knowing and learning MAPP Skype session

On Sunday 29th September I had my second group Skype meeting with my class friends and lecturers.   This Skype call was focused on learning and knowing.  I believe to learn is to already acknowledge my own prior experience. It was very interesting to hear other people’s thoughts and opinions on the importance of learning and their own learning cycle.  I feel like I learn by doing, to do is to learn (being active in the moment). This is something I have touched on whilst blogging on David Kolbs learning cycle throughout module 1 and 2 which he calls “a concrete experience”. By reflecting on experiences is learning. In my everyday life as a professional and as a student I feel like there are many ways I am learning. I learn a lot about myself by approaching certain experiences in life whether it’s within an educational setting or outside of studies.  We talked a lot of the process of learning and what we think knowing and learning is.  For me, you learn whilst teaching dance you learn a

Induction Week 13.9.19

This is my first blog being a Module three student. I begin to stress on how lost I feel right now in my studies, but with the induction Skype blog last week I felt a lot more at ease. Unfortunately, due to work commitments, I was only on the Skype call for 30 mins which is half of the session but thank you to my class friend Marianella I was able to catch up via the recording I was sent. The induction was very helpful as it allowed the MAPP dance community to come together and share ideas with new students on module 1 up to present students in module 3. Adesola guided us through the importance of communication with our peers and class friends through Skype sessions and blogs and also the importance of UniHub. Adesola  helpfully shared her screen and lead us through UniHub where we could find our module handbooks and other important information regarding the course e.g  library resources and class timetables and calendars. One thing i can honestly say i feel like i am sl

ethical approaches

I recently read a book by Earl Babbie (2010) called The practice of social research  which touched on qualitative and quantitive reasesrch and ethical issues.  As I work through my module 2 assignment “inquiry project” I start to look at my research methods and approaches and how to be considerate within my research methods. One of the research methods I will be using is observation and questionnaires. As I continue to look at ethics and what it means to me, I think about the words  ‘considerate’ and ‘confidential’. I’m unsure whether I should lower my standards or opinion for working with people with and with out disabilities. I believe I shouldn’t change the way I teach or change my character. I think about interview approaches and questions I can ask with the thought of being ethical. I am ethical within my professional practise everyday but always push my students to the best of there ability with also thinking about ethical approaches and issues.  Should I be lowering expections o